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Tuesday, 28 March 2017

A little less...

Another excerpt of the unpublished story....

"I used to believe in destiny, you know? ...I'd go to some place, see a pretty girl reading my favorite novel, whistling the song that's been stuck in my head all week and I'd think, "Wow. Hey, maybe she's the one!" Now I think, "It's just another one of those all time things where she wouldn't care!'
Its more than just that... I've stopped believing..
Not in some depressed, "I'm gonna cry during some random night" way, not in a way I even noticed until tonight.
It's just, every day, I think I believe a little less and a little less and a little less."

But then again, there's this thing about beliefs... you won't do it until you do... and some day, just some day... it would start all over again...

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

A thing or two....

There is a thing about girls... Some girls are good, some are great...! Now if we keep aside the 'just good' ones, there will be two types of girls in the 'great' category... The ones already in a relationship, and the ones who are not.

Now again keep aside the ones already in a relationship, so you go for the ones single, just to find out they are NOT INTERESTED! Ever ask the reason? For whatever point the story might start... mark my words, it will always end on this - "There was X person, I had true feelings for him, then he did Y & Z... Now we're not together... And I don't want to be in a relationship anymore!"

Now here is a thing about that too... Do you know that there is a word called 'Pistanthrophobia'?
1. Yes, it's a word!
2. It means, a fear of trusting people due to bad experiences with prior lovers...

Not that I'm a big fan of going all philosophical... But yeah, just because you had some bad experience with someone, doesn't mean it's gonna be the same with other. You can't just spend your life in void over a thing that he might have even forgotten...! Go out, explore options! Life's too short too give a damn... And who knows, you might eventually find someone to share an eternity with! :)

Edit 1: P.S. I know it started on a different track and ended on some other... Please bear with the others.. And yeah, if you could really keep up till the end, hats off...! :P